On 10/23/2015 12:22 PM, Robert Hume wrote:
> I'm investigating installing a new Solr deployment to be able to search
> about two million documents (mostly HTML and PDF).
> A. Should I use Solr 4.x or 5.x?  My concerns are mostly to do with
> support.  Is 5.x too new to be able to get good answers and advice from the
> community?  Or should I stick with the latest 4.x release?

I think the books were covered pretty well by Alexandre, so I won't go
into that.

I agree that you should use 5.x.  Once you get a particular major
version deployed, upgrading to a new major version can be challenging. 
Upgrading to new minor versions is usually pretty easy, so go with the
latest version.

Additionally, it is highly unlikely that you will see any bug fixes for
4.x.  If a serious enough bug is found, a new 4.10.x version may get
released, but it will have to be a HUGE bug, without a workaround.  I
can guarantee that you won't see any performance improvements in 4.x. 
There will never be a 4.11.0 version.  4.x development is effectively
dead.  Most effort is focused on 5.x, and some of it is focused on 6.0.

There is always the possibility that 4.x might be more stable than 5.3.1
... but this is a very slim possibility.  A lot of effort is spent
trying to make sure that all releases are as stable as possible, and
frequently, especially when running SolrCloud, the newest version will
be more stable than anything in the previous major version.  Stability
is likely to improve with each new minor release.

If 5.x were still at the 5.0 or 5.1 version, this might be different
advice, but there have been four minor releases in the 5.x series.  Most
of the bugs that are inevitable in any x.0 release have been fixed.


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