Hi, I’m new to the solr world, I’m in need of some experienced advice as I see 
I can do a lot of cool stuff with Solr, but I’m not sure which path to take so 
I don’t shoot myself in the foot with all this power :P

I have several tables (225) in my application, which I’d like to add into a 
single index (multiple type of documents in the same index with unique id) 
however, each table has a different number of columns, from 5 to 30 columns, do 
you recomend indexing each column separately or joining all columns into a 
single “big document”?

I’m trying to provide my users with a simple experience where they type their 
search query in a simple search box and I list all the possible documents 
across different tables that match their query, not sure if that strategy is 
the best, or perhaps a core per table?

So far these are my considered strategies:

unique_id , table , megafield: All of the columns in the record get mixed into 
a single megafield and indexes (cons: no faceting?)
a core per table: Each table gets a core, all the fields get indexed (except 
numbers and foreign keys), I’m not sure if having 200 cores will play nice with 
Single core, all fields get indexed ( possible 1,000’s of columns), this sounds 
expensive and not so efficient to me

My application has around 2M records

Thanks in advance for any advise.


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