Hmm, the tlog. AFAIK, that's because of
"real time get" (Yonik/Mark/Whoever, please
correct if wrong).

This is a feature where when fetching a document as
the result of a search it insures that you get the most
recent version whether it's been committed or not.....

The tlog isn't relevant for searching however.


On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 8:56 AM, Rallavagu <> wrote:
> On 10/27/15 8:43 AM, Erick Erickson wrote:
>> bq: So, the updated file(s) on the disk automatically read into memory
>> as they are Memory mapped?
> Yes.
>> Not quite sure why you care, curiosity or is there something you're
>> trying to accomplish?
> This is out of curiosity. So, I can get better understanding of Solr's
> memory usage (heap & mmap).
>> The contents of the index's segment files are read into virtual memory
>> by MMapDirectory as needed to satisfy queries. Which is the point of
>> autowarming BTW.
> Ok. But, I have noticed that even "tlog" files are memory mapped (output
> from "lsof") in addition to all other files under "data" directory.
>> commit in the following is either hard commit with openSearcher=true
>> or soft commit.
> Hard commit is setup with openSearcher=false and softCommit is setup for
> every 2 min.
>> Segments that have been created (closed actually) after the last
>> commit  are _not_ read at all until the next searcher is opened via
>> another commit. Nothing is done with these new segments before the new
>> searcher is opened which you control with your commit strategy.
> I see. Thanks for the insight.
>> Best,
>> Erick
>> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 9:07 PM, Rallavagu <> wrote:
>>> Erick, Thanks for clarification. I was under impression that
>>> MMapDirectory
>>> is being used for both read/write operations. Now, I see how it is being
>>> used. Essentially, it only reads from MMapDirectory and writes directly
>>> to
>>> disk. So, the updated file(s) on the disk automatically read into memory
>>> as
>>> they are Memory mapped?
>>> On 10/26/15 8:43 PM, Erick Erickson wrote:
>>>> You're really looking at this backwards. The MMapDirectory stuff is
>>>> for Solr (Lucene, really) _reading_ data from closed segment files.
>>>> When indexing, there are internal memory structures that are flushed
>>>> to disk on commit, but these have nothing to do with MMapDirectory.
>>>> So the question is really moot ;)
>>>> Best,
>>>> Erick
>>>> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 5:47 PM, Rallavagu <> wrote:
>>>>> All,
>>>>> Are memory mapped files (mmap) flushed to disk during "hard commit"? If
>>>>> yes,
>>>>> should we disable OS level (Linux for example) memory mapped flush?
>>>>> I am referring to following for mmap files for Lucene/Solr
>>>>> Linux level flush
>>>>> Solr's hard and soft commit
>>>>> Thanks in advance.

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