On 28 October 2015 at 19:45, fabigol <fabien.stou...@vialtis.com> wrote:
> Thank for your response.
> I have 7 files *.xml. I already worked with SOlr but i have an only file. My
> question is why in this project there's 7 files describing an entity.

I am afraid that it is still difficult for an external person to guess
at how these files are being used without looking at complete details.
These look like separate data-config.xml files for DIH, and my best
guess is that either these were used for trial-and-error while setting
up the Solr installation, or that the person responsible manually
edited Solr's configuration files to use one or the other
data-config.xml (not sure why one would do that).

You might be better off trying to understand things from the other
end, i.e., figuring out what searches are made in the system, and what
data from the RDBMS needs to be imported into Solr for these. That
should lead you to an understanding of how these DIH data
configuration files might be used.


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