Dear All,

I have a problem with the spacial search that returns us wrong results.

Here is the way I declare our spacial bbox index with Solr 5.4 :

<schema name="example" version="1.5">
    <field name="cam_name" type="text_fr" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
    <field name="bounding_box" type="bbox" indexed="true" stored="true" />

<fieldType name="bbox" class="solr.BBoxField" geo="true" distanceUnits="kilometers" numberType="_bbox_coord"/> <fieldType name="_bbox_coord" class="solr.TrieDoubleField" precisionStep="8" docValues="true" stored="false"/>

Here the data we submit with a zone in the french coast :
    <field name="id">8070070</field>
    <field name="cam_name">ECLAIR3</field>
    <field name="bounding_box">ENVELOPE(-1.0, -2.5, 46.0, 45.0)</field>

Here the way we query Solr (the Aral sea) :
http://[...]/select?q=*:*&fq={!field f=bounding_box}Intersects(ENVELOPE(58,62,46,43))&fq=cam_name:ECLAIR3

And here the the result we get. According to Solr the Aral sea is in the French coast :
    <lst name="responseHeader">
        <int name="status">0</int>
        <int name="QTime">0</int>
        <lst name="params">
            <str name="q">*:*</str>
            <arr name="fq">
<str>{!field f=bounding_box}Intersects(ENVELOPE(58,62,46,43))</str>
    <result name="response" numFound="1" start="0">
        <str name="id">8070070</str>
        <str name="cam_name">ECLAIR3</str>
        <str name="bounding_box">ENVELOPE(-1.0, -2.5, 46.0, 45.0)</str>

Do you see if I did something wrong ?

Thanks for your help.

Kind regards,

Fred Merceur

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