: The database of server 2 is considered the "master" and it is replicated
: regularly to server 1, the "slave".
: The advantage is the responsiveness of server 1 is not impacted with server
: 2 gets busy with lots of indexing.
: QUESTION: When deploying a SOLR 5 setup, do I set things up the same way?
: Or do I cluster bother servers together into one "cloud"?   That is, in
: SOLR 5, how do I ensure the indexing process will not impact the
: performance of the web app?

There is nothing preventing you from using a master slave setup with Solr 


...however if you do so you have to take responsibility for the same 
risks/tradeoffs that existed with this type of setup in Solr 3...

1) if the "query slave" goes down, you can't serve quiers w/o manually 
redirecting traffic to your "indexing master"

2) if the "indexing master" goes down you can't accept index updates w/o 
manually redirecting update to your "query slave" -- and manually 
rectifying the descrepencies if/when your master comes back online.

When using a cloud based setup these types of problems go away because 
there is no single "master", clients can send updates/queries to any node 
(and if you use SolrJ your clients will be "ZK aware" and know 
automatically if/when a node is down or new nodes are added) ... 
many people concerned about performance/reliability consider these 
benefits more important then the risks/tradeoffs of performance impacts of 
indexing directy to nodes that are serving queries -- especially with 
other NRT (Near Real Time) related improvements to Solr over the years 
(Soft Commits, DocValues instead of FieldCache, etc...)


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