On 11/5/2015 7:04 PM, r b wrote:
> I just wanted to double check that my steps were not too off base.
> I am trying to apply the patch from 8/May/15 and it seems to be
> slightly off. Inside the working revision is 1658487 so I checked that
> out from svn. This is what I did.
>     svn checkout
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/dev/trunk@1658487 lucene_trunk
>     cd lucene_trunk/solr
>     curl 
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12731517/SOLR-7036.patch
> | patch -p0
> But `patch` still fails on a few hunks. I figured this patch was made
> with `svn diff` so it should apply smoothly to that same revision,
> shouldn't it?

Erick had the same problem with the patch back in July, and asked the
submitter to update the patch to trunk.  I tried applying the patch to
branch_5x at the specified revision and that failed too.

When I pulled down that specific revision of the lucene_solr_4_10
branch, then it would cleanly apply.  There are vast differences between
all 4.x branches/tags and the newer branches, which is why you cannot
get the patch applied.  A huge amount of work went into the code for
version 5.0.0, and the work on trunk and branch_5x since that release
has been enormous.

Getting this patch into 5x or trunk is going to require a lot of manual
work.  The original patch author is best qualified to do that work.  If
you want to tackle the job, feel free.  If you do so, please upload a
new patch to the issue.


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