Can anybody help me to resolve an issues with solr search relevancy.
Problem is that when somebody search "Bank", it displays some other
business related to this phrase.
For Eg it shows  "Blood bank" and "Power bank" as the first results.
To resolve this, we implemented the proximity search at the end of the
phrase for getting the relevancy and boost the field.This eliminate the
issue in search, and irrelevant results goes down to the last sections
For Eg : When a user search "Bank" he gets banks on the top results, not
the "Blood banks".This resolved with proximity in phrases and boosting.



But the actual problem occurred when we sort the search result.

There is a specific requirement from client that the "Premium" listings
should display as top results.For that we have field packageWeight in solr
schema with values  like 10, 20, 30 for free, basic and premium

<field name="packageWeight" type="int" stored="true" indexed="true"
required="true" />
<!-- Used for sorting -->

And now when we perform this sorting, we get some irrelevant results to
top, but its Premium listing.
How this happened is that
In solr schema, there is a field  "tag". A tag is a small summary or words
that used related to the business and can be implemented to provide a quick
overview of the business.
When a search perform based on  "Tag" which is comparatively very low boost.

<field name="tag" type="text_searchable" stored="true" indexed="true"
required="false" multiValued="true" omitNorms="false"
omitTermFreqAndPositions="false" />

In solr doc, there is a premium business named "Mobile Store" and which is
tagged with a keyword "Power Bank".
When we search "Bank" without sorting we are getting relevant results first.
But when we  sort result with field packageWeight, this doc comes first.

Is there any way to resolve this issue??
Or at least is there any way to remove certain fields from the sort, but
not from search.

dhanesh s r


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