
I have a legacy Solr schema that I would like to update to take advantage of 
DocValues. I understand that by adding "docValues=true" to some of my fields, I 
can improve sorting/faceting performance. However, I have a couple of questions:

1.)    Will Solr always take proper advantage of docValues when it is turned 
on, or will I gain greater performance by turning of stored/indexed in 
situations where only docValues are necessary (e.g. a sort-only field)?

2.)    Will adding docValues to a field introduce significant performance 
penalties for non-docValues uses of that field, beyond the obvious fact that 
the additional data will consume more disk and memory?

I'm asking this question because the existing schema has some multi-purpose 
fields, and I'm trying to determine whether I should just add "docValues=true" 
wherever it might help, or if I need to take a more thoughtful approach and 
potentially split some fields with copyFields, etc. This is particularly 
significant because my schema makes use of some dynamic field suffixes, and I'm 
not sure if I need to add new suffixes to differentiate docValues/non-docValues 
fields, or if it's okay to turn on docValues across the board "just in case."

Apologies if these questions have already been answered - I couldn't find a 
totally clear answer in the places I searched.


- Demian

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