Have you looked at the Spatial extensions for Solr? If you are indexing
Lat/Lon along with your documents, you can compute the distance from the
origin & use that distance as one of the boost factors to affect the score.
Typically, use cases around that combine the geo score with other factors
as a pure sort by geo score might not give you the relevant results.

e.g. typing to search for "sushi restaurants" near Santa Monica, CA - you
might not want "thai restaurants" that are closest to you. (Local Search
use case)


*Sameer Maggon*
www.measuredsearch.com <http://measuredsearch.com/>
Fully Managed Solr-as-a-Service | Solr Consulting | Solr Support

On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 11:18 AM, William Bell <billnb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> http://lucidworks.com/blog/solr-suggester/
> Wondering if anyone has uses these new techniques with a boost on
> geodist() inverted? So the rows that get returned that are closest
> need to come back first.
> We are still using Edge Grams since we have not figured out how to
> boost the results on geo spatial.
> Anyone have thoughts?
> --
> Bill Bell
> billnb...@gmail.com
> cell 720-256-8076

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