I intend to use SolrJ. I only saw the below overloaded commit method in
documentation (http://lucene.apache.org/solr/4_10_3/solr-solrj/index.html)
of class ³org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServer"

public UpdateResponse commit(boolean waitFlush, boolean waitSearcher,
boolean softCommit).

And I assumed waitSearcher is not the same as openSearcher.  (From the
documentation atleast it would seem that waitSearcher when false only does
not block the call, but a searcher is still opened).
None of the add methods take a openSearcher param either.


On 11/11/15, 11:58 PM, "Chris Hostetter" <hossman_luc...@fucit.org> wrote:

>: I saw mention of openSearcher for SolrJ, so I looked in the source of
>: the UpdateRequestHandler, and there is no mention of openSearcher in
>: there that I can see, for XML, JSON or SolrJ requests.
>: So my take is that this isn't possible right now :-(
>It's handled by the Loaders - all of which (i think?) delegate to
>RequestHandlerUtils.handleCommit to generate the CommitUpdateCommand
>according to the relevant UpdateParams.
>Most of the constants you see in UpdateRequestHandler look like dead code
>that should be removed.

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