Thanks for your answer...

I don't think it's a problem due tp special characters. All my IDs as the same 
format : "/ABCDZ123/123456" with no character with need to be escaped.

And when I use a "normal" query on the key field, it works fine, SolR found the 

Monsinjon Jeremie

-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Krupansky <>
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 16:50:14 
To: <>
Subject: Re: RealTimeGetHandler doesn't retrieve documents

Do the failing IDs have any special characters that might need to be

Can you find the documents using a normal query on the unique key field?

-- Jack Krupansky

On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 10:27 AM, Jérémie MONSINJON <> wrote:

> Hello everyone !
> I'm using SolR 5.3.1 with solrj.SolrClient.
> My index is sliced in 3 shards, each on different server. (No replica on
> dev platform)
> It has been up to date for a few days...
> [image: Images intégrées 2]
> I'm trying to use the RealTimeGetHandler to get documents by their Id.
> In our usecase, documents are updated very frequently,  so  we have to
> look in the tlog before searching the index.
> When I use the SolrClient.getById() (with a list of document Ids recently
> extracted from the index)
> SolR doesn't return *all* the documents corresponding to these Ids.
> So I tried to use the Solr api directly:
> http://server:port/solr/index/get/ids=id1,id2,id3
> And this is the same. Some ids don't works.
> In my example, id1 doesn't return a document, id2 and id3 or OK.
> If I try a filtered query with the id1, it works fine, the document exists
> in the index and is found by SolR
> Can anybody explain why a document, present in the index, with no
> uncommited update or delete, is not found by the Real Time Get Handler ?
> Regards,
> Jeremie

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