
Thanks for the workaround. It resolved my issue.

Here is the command I used. It is pretty standard and has worked for me almost 
all the time (so far)...
bin/solr create -c my_collection -d /tmp/solr_configsets/my_collection/conf -s 
3 -rf 1



On 11/20/15, 9:56 AM, "Anshum Gupta" <> wrote:

>You can manually update the cluster state so that the range for shard1 says
>80000000-d554ffff. Also remove the "parent" tag from there.
>Can you tell me how did you create this collection ? This shouldn't really
>happen unless you didn't use the Collections API to create the collection.
>On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 9:39 AM, Don Bosco Durai <> wrote:
>> I created a 3 shard cluster, but seems for one of the shard, the range is
>> empty. Anyway to fix it without deleting and recreating the collection?
>> 2015-11-20 08:59:50,901 [solr,writer=0] ERROR
>> apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CloudSolrClient ( -
>> Request to collection my_collection failed due to (400)
>> org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: No active slice servicing hash code
>> b637e7f1 in DocCollection(my_collection)={
>>   "replicationFactor":"1",
>>   "shards":{
>>     "shard2":{
>>       "range":"d5550000-2aa9ffff",
>>       "state":"active",
>>       "replicas":{"core_node2":{
>>           "core":"my_collection_shard2_replica1",
>>           "base_url":"";,
>>           "node_name":"",
>>           "state":"active",
>>           "leader":"true"}}},
>>     "shard3":{
>>       "range":"2aaa0000-7fffffff",
>>       "state":"active",
>>       "replicas":{"core_node3":{
>>           "core":"my_collection_shard3_replica1",
>>           "base_url":"";,
>>           "node_name":"",
>>           "state":"active",
>>           "leader":"true"}}},
>>     "shard1":{
>>       "parent":null,
>>       "range":null,
>>       "state":"active",
>>       "replicas":{"core_node4":{
>>           "core":"my_collection_shard1_replica1",
>>           "base_url":"";,
>>           "node_name":"",
>>           "state":"active",
>>           "leader":"true"}}}},
>>   "router":{"name":"compositeId"},
>>   "maxShardsPerNode":"1",
>>   "autoAddReplicas":"false"}, retry? 0
>> Thanks
>> Bosco
>Anshum Gupta

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