Hi folks,

My index size on disk (optimized) is 20 GB (single core, single index).  I
have a system with 64 GB of RAM.  I start Solr with 24 GB of RAM.

I have run load tests (up to 100 concurrent users) for hours where each
user issuing unique searches (the same search is never executed again for
at least 30 minute since it was last executed).  In all tests I run, Solr's
JVM memory never goes over 10 GB (monitoring http://localhost:8983/).

I read over and over, for optimal performance, Solr should be given enough
RAM to hold the index in memory.  Well, I have done that and some but yet I
don't see Solr using up that whole RAM.  What am I doing wrong?  Is my test
at fault?  I doubled the test load (number of users) and didn't see much of
a difference with RAM usage but yet my search performance went down (takes
about 40% longer now).  I run my tests again but this time with only 12 GB
of RAM given to Solr.  Test result didn't differ much from the 24 GB run
and Solr never used more than 10 GB of RAM.

Can someone help me understand this?  I don't want to give Solr RAM that it
won't use.

PS: This is simply search tests, there is no update to the index at all.

Thanks in advanced.


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