Is there a fixed set of keywords? If so, I suppose you could simply index these keywords into a field for each site (either through some kind of automatic parser or manually - from personal experience I would recommend manually unless you have tens of thousands of these things), and then search that field with each word in the query (with or). Any site that had one of these keywords would match it if it were used in the query...

If there is no list here and you're just indexing all the content of all these sites... isn't that what Nutch is designed for?


On Jun 18, 2008, at 11:05 PM, JLIST wrote:

Hi all,

This is what I'm trying to do: since some sources (say,
some web sites) are more authoritative than other sources
on certain subjects, I'd like to promote those sites when
the query contains certain keywords. I'm not sure what
is the best way to implement this. I suppose I can index
the keywords in a field for all pages from that site but
this isn't very efficient, and any changes in the keyword
list would require re-indexing all pages of that site.
I wonder if there is a more efficient way that can dynamically
promote sites from a domain that is considered more related
to the queries. Any suggestion is welcome.


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