Yeah I ran it. It appears to only have an issue if the field for the core
on the outside is MultiValue, and the inside field is single value, and the
order of the field has the code not as the first entry. Like:

>          [
>             - "PS1010",
>             - "PS282",
>             - "*PS1226*"
>             ]
>          }

Here is the output of the debug:

   - join:
      - {!join from=prac_spec_code to=practicing_specialties_codes
         - time: 24,
         - fromSetSize: 170179,
         - toSetSize: 3194542,
         - fromTermCount: 1091,
         - fromTermTotalDf: 1091,
         - fromTermDirectCount: 1091,
         - fromTermHits: 1091,
         - fromTermHitsTotalDf: 1091,
         - toTermHits: 1069,
         - toTermHitsTotalDf: 4002538,
         - toTermDirectCount: 697,
         - smallSetsDeferred: 1,
         - toSetDocsAdded: 4002538

On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 2:02 AM, Mikhail Khludnev <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Have you considered to pass NOT {!join from=prac_spec_code
> to=practicing_specialties_codes
>          fromIndex=autosuggest}*:* as a q and look at debug output.
> Also there was a trick for dealing with pure negative queries q=*:*
> -foo:bar though it might be obsolete.
> On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 7:02 AM, William Bell <> wrote:
> > I have having issues with {!join}. If the core have multiValued field and
> > the inner join does not have a multiValued field it does not find the
> > ones...
> >
> > Solr 5.3.1... <luceneMatchVersion>5.3.1</luceneMatchVersion>
> >
> > Example.
> >
> > PS1226 is in practicing_specialties_codes in providersearch core. This
> > field is multiValued.
> >
> > in the autosuggest core there is NOT a field for PS1226 in there. This
> > field is called prac_spec_code and is single values.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> http://localhost:8983/solr/providersearch/select?q=*%3A*&wt=json&indent=true&fq=practicing_specialties_codes:PS1226&fl=practicing_specialties_codes
> >
> > I get:
> >
> >
> >    - docs:
> >    [
> >       -
> >       {
> >          - practicing_specialties_codes:
> >          [
> >             - "PS1010",
> >             - "PS282",
> >             - "PS1226"
> >             ]
> >          }
> >       ]
> >
> >
> >
> > In autosuggest there is nothing:
> >
> >
> >
> http://localhost:8983/solr/autosuggest/select?q=*%3A*&wt=json&indent=true&fq=prac_spec_code:PS1226&fl=prac_spec_code
> >
> > Nothing.
> >
> > Then a join should find what is in providersearch but missing in
> > autosuggest.
> >
> >
> >
> http://localhost:8983/solr/providersearch/select?debugQuery=true&wt=json&q=*:*&rows=10&fq=practicing_specialties_codes:PS1226&fl=practicing_specialties_codes&fq=NOT%20{!join%20from=prac_spec_code%20to=practicing_specialties_codes%20fromIndex=autosuggest}auto_type:PRACSPEC
> >
> > or
> >
> >
> >
> http://hgsolr2sl1:8983/solr/providersearch/select?debugQuery=true&wt=json&q=*:*&rows=10&fl=practicing_specialties_codes&fq=NOT%20{!join%20from=prac_spec_code%20to=practicing_specialties_codes%20fromIndex=autosuggest}auto_type:PRACSPEC
> >
> > or
> >
> >
> >
> http://hgsolr2sl1:8983/solr/providersearch/select?debugQuery=true&wt=json&q=*:*&rows=10&fl=practicing_specialties_codes&fq=NOT%20{!join%20from=prac_spec_code%20to=practicing_specialties_codes%20fromIndex=autosuggest}*:*
> >
> > I also tried *:* AND NOT {!join}
> >
> > I get 0 results. This seems to be a bug.
> >
> > {
> >
> >    - responseHeader:
> >    {
> >       - status: 0,
> >       - QTime: 178,
> >       - params:
> >       {
> >          - q: "*:*",
> >          - fl: "practicing_specialties_codes",
> >          - fq: "NOT {!join from=prac_spec_code
> >          to=practicing_specialties_codes fromIndex=autosuggest}*:*",
> >          - rows: "10",
> >          - wt: "json",
> >          - debugQuery: "true"
> >          }
> >       },
> >    - response:
> >    {
> >       - numFound: 0,
> >       - start: 0,
> >       - docs: [ ]
> >       },
> >    - debug:
> >    {
> >       - rawquerystring: "*:*",
> >       - querystring: "*:*",
> >       - parsedquery: "MatchAllDocsQuery(*:*)",
> >       - parsedquery_toString: "*:*",
> >       - explain: { },
> >       - QParser: "LuceneQParser",
> >       - filter_queries:
> >       [
> >          - "NOT {!join from=prac_spec_code
> to=practicing_specialties_codes
> >          fromIndex=autosuggest}*:*"
> >          ],
> >       - parsed_filter_queries:
> >       [
> >          - "-JoinQuery({!join from=prac_spec_code
> >          to=practicing_specialties_codes fromIndex=autosuggest}*:*)"
> >          ],
> >       - timing:
> >       {
> >          - time: 177,
> >          - prepare:
> >          {
> >             - time: 0,
> >             - query:
> >             {
> >                - time: 0
> >                },
> >             - facet:
> >             {
> >                - time: 0
> >                },
> >             - facet_module:
> >             {
> >                - time: 0
> >                },
> >             - mlt:
> >             {
> >                - time: 0
> >                },
> >             - highlight:
> >             {
> >                - time: 0
> >                },
> >             - stats:
> >             {
> >                - time: 0
> >                },
> >             - expand:
> >             {
> >                - time: 0
> >                },
> >             - debug:
> >             {
> >                - time: 0
> >                }
> >             },
> >          - process:
> >          {
> >             - time: 177,
> >             - query:
> >             {
> >                - time: 177
> >                },
> >             - facet:
> >             {
> >                - time: 0
> >                },
> >             - facet_module:
> >             {
> >                - time: 0
> >                },
> >             - mlt:
> >             {
> >                - time: 0
> >                },
> >             - highlight:
> >             {
> >                - time: 0
> >                },
> >             - stats:
> >             {
> >                - time: 0
> >                },
> >             - expand:
> >             {
> >                - time: 0
> >                },
> >             - debug:
> >             {
> >                - time: 0
> >                }
> >             }
> >          }
> >       }
> >
> > }
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Bill Bell
> >
> > cell 720-256-8076
> >
> --
> Sincerely yours
> Mikhail Khludnev
> Principal Engineer,
> Grid Dynamics
> <>
> <>

Bill Bell
cell 720-256-8076

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