    after looking at the presentation of cloudsearch from lucene revolution
min 17:08

I recognized I'd love to be able to remove the burden of disabling filter
query caching from developers

the problem:
Solr by default caches filter queries
a) When there are filter queries that are not reused and few that are the
good ones get evicted unnecessarily
b) if the same query has multiple filter queries that are very selective I
noticed a big performance disabling cache
c) I'd like to spare developers from deciding what has to be cached or not

the question:
-Is there anything already working to solve those problems?

what do you think about this?
-I was thinking to write a plugin to recognize query types with regular
exception and let solr admins associate a caching behaviour with each query
-another idea was to
   -by default set fq caching off
   -keep statistics about fq
   -enable caching only for the N fq with highest hit ratio

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