On 1/11/2016 8:08 AM, Gian Maria Ricci - aka Alkampfer wrote:
> I've configured three node in solrcloud, everything seems ok, but in
> the log I see this kind of warning
> SolrCloud is enabled for core xxx_shard3_replica1 but so is old-style
> replication. Make sure you intend this behavior,​ it usually indicates
> a mis-configuration. Master setting is true and slave setting is false
> What could be the reason? Is it possible that this happens because
> solrconfig.xml used to create the collection has a replication handler
> active?

The message is being logged because the solrconfig.xml file for the
collection includes an explicit replication handler definition, most
likely with a name of "/replication".  If your Solr version is new
enough, you do not need to define the replication handler in your
configuration -- it will be automatically configured.

The message is a warning.  If SolrCloud is working, then you can put it
on a list to look at later ... but be sure you DO look at it later, and
remove the explicit config once you're on a new enough version.  I think
5.0 includes the implicit handlers, so any 5.x version is new enough. 
The configs included with 5.x would not have this handler, so I think
you must be using configs based on examples for an older version of Solr.


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