I think the doc is wrong or at least misleading:

"The backup operation can be monitored to see if it has completed by
sending the details command to the /replication handler..."

>From reading the code, it looks like the snapshot details are only stored
and returned after the snapshot completes, either successfully or fails,
but there is nothing set or reported if a snapshot is in progress. So, if
you don't see a "backup" section in the response, that means the snapshot
is in progress.

I think it's worth a Jira - either to improve the doc or improve the code
to report backup as "inProgress... StartedAt...".

You can also look at the log... "Creating backup snapshot" indicates the
backup has started and "Done creating backup snapshot" indicates success or
"Exception while creating snapshot" indicates failure. If only that first
message appeals, it means the backup is still in progress.

-- Jack Krupansky

On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 9:23 AM, Gian Maria Ricci - aka Alkampfer <
alkamp...@nablasoft.com> wrote:

> If I start a backup operation using the location parameter
> *http://localhost:8983/solr/mycore/replication?command=backup&name=mycore&;
> <http://localhost:8983/solr/mycore/replication?command=backup&name=mycore&;>location=z:\temp\backupmycore*
> How can I monitor when the backup operation is finished? Issuing a
> standard *details* operation
> *http://localhost:8983/solr/ <http://localhost:8983/solr/> mycore
> /replication?command=details*
> does not gives me useful information, because there are no information on
> backup on returning data.
> <response>
>     <lst name="responseHeader">
>         <int name="status">0</int>
>         <int name="QTime">1</int>
>     </lst>
>     <lst name="details">
>         <str name="indexSize">57.62 GB</str>
>         <str
> name="indexPath">X:\NoSql\Solr\solr-5.3.1\server\solr\mycore\data\index/</str>
>         <arr name="commits">
>             <lst>
>                 <long name="indexVersion">1452534703494</long>
>                 <long name="generation">1509</long>
>                 <arr name="filelist">
>                     <str>_2cw.fdt</str>
>                     <str>_2cw.fdx</str>
>                     <str>_2cw.fnm</str>
>                     <str>_2cw.nvd</str>
>                     <str>_2cw.nvm</str>
>                     <str>_2cw.si</str>
>                     <str>_2cw_Lucene50_0.doc</str>
>                     <str>_2cw_Lucene50_0.dvd</str>
>                     <str>_2cw_Lucene50_0.dvm</str>
>                     <str>_2cw_Lucene50_0.pos</str>
>                     <str>_2cw_Lucene50_0.tim</str>
>                     <str>_2cw_Lucene50_0.tip</str>
>                     <str>segments_15x</str>
>                 </arr>
>             </lst>
>         </arr>
>         <str name="isMaster">true</str>
>         <str name="isSlave">false</str>
>         <long name="indexVersion">1452534703494</long>
>         <long name="generation">1509</long>
>         <lst name="master">
>             <str
> name="confFiles">schema.xml,stopwords.txt,elevate.xml</str>
>             <arr name="replicateAfter">
>                 <str>optimize</str>
>             </arr>
>             <str name="replicationEnabled">true</str>
>         </lst>
>     </lst>
> </response>
> --
> Gian Maria Ricci
> Cell: +39 320 0136949
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