On 1/14/2016 8:03 AM, David Cao wrote:
> The JVM is from IBM based on jre 1.7.
> IBM J9 VM (build 2.6, JRE 1.7.0 Linux amd64-64 Compressed References
> 20141216_227497 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
> The box I am using is just a dev vm box, using 'root' is temporary ...

The specific method that is not found is part of the Servlet API, and
the exception does not mention any Solr classes.  I don't think it's a
Solr problem.  You probably have some kind of system-level classpath
problem where the wrong version of a critical jar is being used instead
of the jar that's included with Jetty in the Solr download.

Getting to specifics, the isAsyncSupported method that your log mentions
as not found was added in the 3.0 version of the Servlet API.  If the
classpath that is active when you start Solr includes the jar for a 2.x
version of the Servlet API, that could cause this problem.  5.x Solr
downloads include javax-servlet-api-3.1.0.jar.

Other things to mention, not really related:

I don't think IBM Java can cause the particular problem you're
experiencing, but IBM's Java has known problems with Lucene, so it
should not be used for Solr.

I would not expect running as root to be a problem.  It is not
recommended, but should still work.


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