Official numbers? There are none. If for no other reason than that
performance is completely dependent on your specific hardware and your
specific data and your specific data model. The standard recommendation is
that you should do a proof of concept implementation with a reasonable
subset of your data and judge for yourself whether the throughput and
latency are sufficient for your own specific requirements. Not everyone has
extreme throughput and latency requirements. If your requirements are
extreme then virtualization will likely not to work out for you, but if
your requirements are reasonably mild and you adequately provision your
cluster with enough shards and enough replicas, then virtualization may
actually work out well for you. Either way, adequately provisioning the
cluster (not overloading individual nodes with either too many documents or
too many requests) is always essential unless you are working with a very
small collection of data with a very light load.

The standard recommendation is to avoid the use of a load balancer between
the app and Solr - since the server client API in SolrJ automatically does
smart routing and round-robin load balancing:

You may want a load balancer in front of multiple instances of your app,
but that's not a question or issue for Solr. The only issue there is
assuring that you have enough Solr shards and replicas to handle the
aggregate request load.

-- Jack Krupansky

On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 6:37 AM, Gian Maria Ricci - aka Alkampfer <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I’ve a couple of quick question about production setup.
> The first one is about virtualization, I’d like to know if there are any
> official test on loss of performance in virtualization environment. I think
> that the loss of performance is negligible, and quick question on test
> infrastructure is confirming this, but I’d like to know if there is some
> official numbers on this.
> The second question is about Load Balancer: any clue on how to
> automatically change the configuration on the load balancer if some of the
> node goes down? I’m looking to advices on what to monitor, the simplest
> solution could be issuing some test query and verify if the node is able to
> answer, but it would be nice to know if there are some standard metrics to
> monitor to proactively alert. (Es. Heap size almost full, so it would be
> probably better to remove the node from the balancer and alert a human to
> have a look at the status of the node).
> Many thanks.
> --
> Gian Maria Ricci
> Cell: +39 320 0136949
> [image:
> <> [image:
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