On 1/31/2016 7:20 AM, Salman Ansari wrote:
> I am building a long query containing multiple ORs between query terms. I
> started to receive the following exception:
> The remote server returned an error: (414) Request-URI Too Long. Any idea
> what is the limit of the URL in Solr? Moreover, as a solution I was
> thinking of chunking the query into multiple requests but I was wondering
> if anyone has a better approach?

The default HTTP header size limit on most webservers and containers
(including the Jetty that ships with Solr) is 8192 bytes.  A typical
request like this will start with "GET " and end with " HTTP/1.1", which
count against that 8192 bytes.  The max header size can be increased.

If you place the parameters into a POST request instead of on the URL,
then the default size limit of that POST request in Solr is 2MB.  This
can also be increased.


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