Gerald - I don’t quite understand, sorry - perhaps best if you could post your 
code (or some test version you can work with and share here) so we can see what 
exactly you’re trying to do.    Maybe there’s other ways to achieve what you 
want, maybe with somehow leveraging a StopFilter-like facility to remove phrase 
terms.   edismax has some stop word (inclusion, rather than exclusion, though) 
magic with the pf2 and pf3 and stopwords parameters - maybe worth leveraging 
something like how that works or maybe adding some options or pluggability to 
the edismax phrase/stopword facility?


> On Feb 3, 2016, at 6:05 AM, Gerald Reinhart <> 
> wrote:
> On 02/02/2016 03:20 PM, Erik Hatcher wrote:
>>> On Feb 2, 2016, at 8:57 AM, Elodie Sannier <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> We are using solr 4.10.4 and we want to update to 5.4.1.
>>> With solr 4.10.4:
>>> - we extend PhraseQuery with a custom class in order to remove some
>>> terms from phrase queries with phrase slop (update of add(Term term, int
>>> position) method)
>>> - in order to use our implementation, we extend ExtendedSolrQueryParser
>>> with a custom class and we override the method newPhraseQuery but with
>>> solr 5 this method does not exist anymore
>>> How can we do this with solr 5.4.1 ?
>> You’ll want to override this method, it looks like:
>>    protected Query getFieldQuery(String field, String queryText, int slop)
> Hi Erik,
> To change the behavior of the PhraseQuery either:
>   - we change it after the natural cycle. The PhraseQuery is supposed
> to be immutable and the setSlop(int s) is deprecated... we don't really
> want to do this.
>   - we override the code that actually build it :
> field,
> String val, int slop) PROTECTED
>          use getAliasedQuery() PROTECTED
>            use getQuery() PRIVATE which use new PhraseQuery.Builder()
> to create the query...
>        so not easy to override the behavior: we would need to
> overrride/duplicate getAliasedQuery() and getQuery() methods. we don't
> really want to do this either.
> So we don't really know where to go.
> Thanks,
> Gerald (I'm working with Elodie on the subject)
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