Tiwari, Shailendra <shailendra.tiw...@macmillan.com> wrote:
> We are on Solr 4.10.3. Got 2 load balanced RedHat with 16 GB
> memory on each. Memory assigned to JVM 4 GB, 2 Shards, 
> total docs 60 K, and 4 replicas.

As you are chasing throughput, you should aim to lower the overall resources 
needed for a single request, potentially at the cost of latency. Unless you 
have really large documents, very special queries or something else making this 
an outlier, you will be much better off with just 1 shard and 2 replicas. 
Having more that 1 shard introduces an overhead for each request and for such a 
small setup it is relatively large. 

- Toke Eskildsen

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