This doesn't sound like a great use case for Solr - or any other search
engine for that matter. I'm not sure what you are really trying to
accomplish, but you are trying to put way too many balls in the air to
juggle efficiently. You really need to re-conceptualize your problem so
that it has far fewer moving parts. Sure, Solr can handle many millions or
even billions of documents, but the focus for scaling Solr is on more
documents and more nodes, not incredibly complex or large documents. The
key to effective and efficient use of Solr is that queries are "quite
short", definitely not "quite long."

That said, the starting point for any data modeling effort is to look at
the full range of desired queries and that should drive the data model. So,
give us more info on queries, in terms of plain English descriptions of
what the user is trying to achieve.

-- Jack Krupansky

On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 8:20 AM, Jan Verweij - Experts in search <> wrote:

> Hi,
> We store 50K products stored in Solr. We have 10K customers and each
> customer buys up to 10K of these products. Now we want to influence the
> results by adding a field for every customer.
> So we end up with 10K fields to influence the results on the buying
> behavior of
> each customer (personal results). Don't think this is the way to go so I'm
> looking for suggestions how to solve
> this.
> One other option would be to: 1. create one multivaluefield
> 'company_hitrate'
>  2. store for each company their [companyID]_[hitrate]
> During search use boostfields [companyID]_50 …. [companyID]_100 So in this
> case the query can become quit long (51 options) but the number of
> fields is limited to 1. What kind of effect would this have on the search
> performance
> Any other suggestions?
> Jan.

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