Hi Sara,
Not sure if I am reading this right, but I read it as you have 1000 doc index and issues? Can you tell us bit more about your setup: number of servers, hw, index size, number of shards, queries that you run, do you index at the same time...

It seems to me that you are running Solr on server with limited RAM and probably small heap. Swapping for sure will slow things down and GC is most likely reason for high CPU.

You can use http://sematext.com/spm to collect Solr and host metrics and see where the issue is.


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Solr & Elasticsearch Support * http://sematext.com/

On 08.02.2016 10:27, sara hajili wrote:
hi all.
i have a problem with my solr performance and usage hardware like a
i have a lot of document and so indexed file about 1000 doc in solr that
every doc has about 8 field in average.
and each field has about 60 char.
i set my field as a storedfield = "false" except of  1 field. // i read
that this help performance.
i used copy field and dynamic field if it was necessary . // i read that
this help performance.
and now my question is that when i run a lot of query on solr i faced with
a problem solr use more cpu and ram and after that filled ,it use a lot
  swapped storage and then use hard,but doesn't create a system file! solr
fill hard until i forced to restart server to release hard disk.
and now my question is why solr treat in this way? and how i can avoid solr
to use huge cpu space?
any config need?!

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