If you have a master slave configuration I guess it is a good idea to
remove the updatehandler altogether from slaves.

On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 2:39 AM, Chris Hostetter
> : > A basic technique that can be used to mitigate the risk of a possible CSRF
> : > attack like this is to configure your Servlet Container so that access to
> : > paths which can modify the index (ie: /update, /update/csv, etc...) are
> : > restricted either to specific client IPs, or using HTTP Authentication.
> :
> : My understanding is that HTTP authentication is useless against XSRF,
> : because browsers cache the authentication tokens. Once you have
> : authenticated, you are still vulnerable to attacks.
> while I agree that is generally true, my suggestion about using HTTP
> Authentication was to reduce the number of "clients" that have access to
> update URLs.  if you add authentication but then give everyone on your
> intranet a username/password it would certianly defeat the point ...
> people, using web browsers, don't typically need to hit URLs
> like "/update".   Updates are typically sent by other applications, so if
> you use authentication and hardcode credentials into your "update clients"
> (which are automated and no going to hit arbitrary URLs maliciously fed to
> them by bad guys) but do not give credentials to people who surf the
> public internet you can help mitigate the risk.
> (of course: if you have a something like a webcrawler scraping webpages
> and posting the docs directly to Solr, then that crawler could fall prey
> to a CSRF attack as well -- you'd want to make sure that the
> "crawl" requests didn't have access to the same credentials needed for
> sending updates)
> : Restricting access to the servlet container by IP is probably safer.
> : To access the admin pages, I proxy the servlet container via Apache,
> : similar to this snippet given below.
> :
> : This requires the user to authenticate via SSL for all SOLR-related
> : pages, and additionally blocks all update queries. If one also would
> But doesn't that mean that any system with a legitimate need to update
> the index has to bypass your proxy?  What prevents a CSRF based attack
> from bypasing your proxy as well?
> : Comments, anyone? This configuration is container-agnostic, so if no
> : serious problems are found with my setup, which Wiki page would be
> : most appropriate for this snippet?
> It's container agnostic, but does require the use an an Apache HTTPD proxy
> ... recipies like this seem like they'd be suitable on the SolrSecurity
> page (but it still seems like there's a missing piece ... restricting the
> appserver so it only accepts requests from the proxy, and a way for the
> proxy to pass requests on to /update if and only if they come from
> specific IPs, or specific "users", etc...
> -Hoss

--Noble Paul

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