DocValues has nothing to do with your handler. It is a field property. To
use it simply put docValues=true in your field definitions and reindex.

On Mon, 15 Feb 2016, 18:40 Neeraj Lajpal <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I recently asked this question on stackoverflow:
> I am trying to access a field in custom request handler. I am accessing it
> like this for each document:
> Document doc;doc = reader.document(id);DocFields =
> doc.getValues("state");There are around 600,000 documents in the solr. For
> a query running on all the docs, it is taking more than 65 seconds.
> I have also tried SolrIndexSearcher.doc method, but it is also taking
> around 60 seconds.
> Removing the above lines of code bring down the qtime to milliseconds.
> But, I need to access that field for my algo.
> Is there a more optimised way to do this?
> In reply, I got a suggestion to use docValues. I read about it and it
> seems to be useful for my case. But, I am unable to find/figure out how to
> use it in my custom request handler.
> Please tell me if there is some function/api to access a docValue field
> from custom handler, that takes input the doc-id and field.
> Thanks,Neeraj Lajpal

Binoy Dalal

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