After migrating from 3.5 to 4.10.3, I'm seeing the following error with
alarming regularity in the master's error log:

2/15/2016, 4:32:22 PM ERROR PDSimpleFont Can't determine the width of the
space character using 250 as default
I can't seem to glean much information about this one from the web. Has
anyone else fought this error?

In case this helps, here's some technical/miscellaneous info:

- I'm running a master-slave set-up.

- I rely on the ERH (tika/solr-cell/whatever) for extracting plaintext from
.docs and .pdfs. I'm guessing that PDSimpleFont is a component of this, but
I don't know the first thing about it.

- I have the clients specifying 'autocommit=6s' in their requests, which I
realize is a pretty aggressive commit interval, but so far that hasn't
caused any problems I couldn't surmount.

- There are north of 11 million docs in my index, which is 36 gigs thick.
The storage volume is only 10% full.

- When I migrated from 3.5 to 4.10.3, I correctly performed a reindex due
to incompatibility between versions.

- Both master and slave are running on AWS instances, C4.4XL's (16 cores,
30 gigs of RAM).

So far, I have been unable to reproduce this error on my own: I can only
observe it in the logs. I haven't been able to tie it to any specific

Let me know if further information would be helpful.

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