
I am on solr 4.8.1 and running master-slave setup with lots of cores (>3K).
Internally I maintain an instance of HTTPSolrServer for each core that is
reused for querying the respective cores. A request is received by an
intermediary tomcat and forwarded to another tomcat running Solr.

Over the period we see high search latency. Some requests start to take too
long and eventually result into timeouts.

Investigating this, I see that, over the period, a high number of
CLOSE_WAIT sockets (>3300) are building up. Running `netstat -p` seems to
suggest that these sockets were initiated by the intermediary tomcats when
communicating to the Solr.

Questions are:

- Why do we see such high number of CLOSE_WAiT sockets? Shouldn't the
HTTPSolrServer take care of closing these connections after communicating
with the Solr server?

- Does the high number of CLOSE_WAIT have anything to do with search

Any suggestion on the matter is highly appreciated!


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