
   In short: backup on a recovering index should fail.

   We are using the backup command "http:// ...
/replication?command=backup&location=/tmp" against one server of the
   Most of the time there is no issue with this command.

   But in some particular case, the server can be in recovery mode. In
this case, the command is doing a backup on an index that is not
complete and return a http code 200. We end up with a partial index
backup ! As a workaround we will do this backup against the leader of
the cloud: the leader is never in recovery mode.

   In our opinion, the backup command on a recovering index should
return a http code 503 Service Unavailable (and not http code 200 OK).

   Shall we open a issue or it's an expected behaviour ?


Gérald and Elodie

Kelkoo SAS
Société par Actions Simplifiée
Au capital de € 4.168.964,30
Siège social : 158 Ter Rue du Temple 75003 Paris
425 093 069 RCS Paris

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