You can add a <lib> entry in your solrconfig to point to an entirely
different location for libraries. Update them, then you just need to
reload cores, not the whole of Solr.

Then, try setting the LOG4J_PROPS envvar before starting Solr, so you
can have your logging configs somewhere else, and solr_home becomes
purely about data alone.

Does that work?


On Thu, Mar 3, 2016, at 11:58 AM, Tom Evans wrote:
> Hmm, I've worked around this by setting the directory where the
> indexes should live to be the actual solr home, and symlink the files
> from the current release in to that directory, but it feels icky.
> Any better ideas?
> Cheers
> Tom
> On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 11:12 AM, Tom Evans <>
> wrote:
> > Hi all
> >
> > I'm struggling to configure solr cloud to put the index files and
> > in the correct places in SolrCloud 5.5. Let me explain
> > what I am trying to achieve:
> >
> > * solr is installed in /opt/solr
> > * the user who runs solr only has read only access to that tree
> > * the solr home files - custom libraries,,
> > and solr.xml - live in /data/project/solr/releases/<revision>, which
> > is then the target of a symlink /data/project/solr/releases/current
> > * releasing a new version of the solr home (eg adding/changing
> > libraries, changing logging options) is done by checking out a fresh
> > copy of the solr home, switching the symlink and restarting solr
> > * the solr and any data live in /data/project/indexes,
> > so they are preserved when new solr home is released
> >
> > Setting core specific dataDir with absolute paths in solrconfig.xml
> > only gets me part of the way, as the for each shard is
> > created inside the solr home.
> >
> > This is obviously no good, as when releasing a new version of the solr
> > home, they will no longer be in the current solr home.
> >
> > Cheers
> >
> > Tom

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