On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 11:00 AM, Steven White <swhite4...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi folks
> I need to search for terms in a field that will be AND'ed with user's real
> search terms, such as:
>     user-real-search-terms AND FooField:(a OR b OR c OR d OR e OR ...)
> The list of terms in the field FooField can be as large as 1000 items, but
> will average around 100.

Stay away from BooleanQuery for this - it's trappy as it has a

> The list of OR'ed terms will be pre-known for a user.  So user-A will
> always have (a OR b) and user-B will have (a OR e OR g OR ...) and user-C
> will have some different pre-known list.
> Of the 1000 items that can be in the list, at lest 80% is shared across all
> users for any given search.
> The items are SKU numbers (i.e.: simple strings of 20 characters).
> My question is this, will this cause issues with the large number of terms
> OR'ed in the FooField?  The expected average is 100, but what if I start
> hitting 500 or 1000?
> Btw, the reason I use OR in the FooField is because my Solr default Boolean
> is set to AND.
> Thanks in advanced.
> Steve

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