Well, Solr ships with nearly 10 examples. So, if you go through them,
you will know quite a lot. This article (mine) may help you to
navigate them: 

More specifically, as Erick said, your question is too generic. One
step forward would be to think NOT about the indexing but about the
search. What you want to search, how you want to find it, what
granularity you want the information to come back at. Then, you index
your text in the way to give you that. You will know what specific
questions to ask then.

Newsletter and resources for Solr beginners and intermediates:

On 18 March 2016 at 04:08, Vis Sw <vishal....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to understand the best way to index and search "free text
> field" e.g. notes or description...
> Please suggest what will be the best field type, tokenizer, filter... to
> query Free-form text description of a field.
> Any example will be great...
> Regards

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