On 3/22/2016 6:57 AM, Bram Van Dam wrote:
> Hey folks,
> When I start 5.5.0 (on RHEL), the following entry is added to
> server/logs/solr-8983-console.log:
> WARNING: System properties and/or JVM args set.  Consider using
> --dry-run or --exec
> I can't quite figure out what's causing this. Any clues on how to get
> rid of it?

This message is not coming from Solr.  It's coming from Jetty.  Solr
uses Jetty, but uses it completely unchanged.

Based on what it's saying, it might not be possible to get rid of it. 
The Solr start script uses system properties and JVM arguments, and
that's not going to change.

I can check with the Jetty project to see if they have a way to
eliminate the warning.


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