“Why do you care?” might not be the best way to say it, but it is essential to 
understand the difference between selection (filtering) and ranking.

As Solr params:

* q is ranking and filtering
* fq is filtering only
* bq is ranking only

When deleting documents, ordering does not matter, which is why we ask why you 
care about the ordering.

If the response is familiar to you, imagine how the questions sound to people 
who have been working in search for twenty years. But even when we are snippy, 
we still try to help.

Many, many times, the question is wrong. The most common difficulty on this 
list is an “XY problem”, where the poster has problem X and has assumed 
solution Y, which is not the right solution. But they ask about Y. So we will 
tell people that their approach is wrong, because that is the most helpful 
thing we can do.

Walter Underwood
http://observer.wunderwood.org/  (my blog)

> On Mar 22, 2016, at 4:16 PM, Robert Brown <r...@intelcompute.com> wrote:
> "why do you care? just do this ..."
> I see this a lot on mailing lists these days, it's usually a learning 
> curve/task/question.  I know I fall into these types of questions/tasks 
> regularly.
> Which usually leads to "don't tell me my approach is wrong, just explain 
> what's going on, and why", or "just answer the straight-forward question I 
> asked in first place.".
> Sorry for rambling, this just sounded familiar...
> :)
> On 22/03/16 22:50, Alexandre Rafalovitch wrote:
>> Why do you care?
>> The difference between Q and FQ are the scoring. For delete, you
>> delete all of them regardless of scoring and there is no difference.
>> Just chuck them all into Q.
>> Regards,
>>    Alex.
>> ----
>> Newsletter and resources for Solr beginners and intermediates:
>> http://www.solr-start.com/
>> On 23 March 2016 at 06:07, Paul Hoffman <p...@flo.org> wrote:
>>> I've been struggling to find the right syntax for deleting by query
>>> using JSON, where the query includes an fq parameter.
>>> I know how to delete *all* documents, but how would I delete only
>>> documents with field doctype = "cres"?  I have tried the following along
>>> with a number of variations, all to no avail:
>>> $ curl -s -d @- 'http://localhost:8983/solr/blacklight-core/update?wt=json' 
>>> <<EOS
>>> {
>>> "delete": { "query": "doctype:cres" }
>>> }
>>> EOS
>>> I can identify the documents like this:
>>> curl -s 
>>> 'http://localhost:8983/solr/blacklight-core/select?q=&fq=doctype%3Acres&wt=json&fl=id'
>>> It seems like such a simple thing, but I haven't found any examples that
>>> use an fq.  Could someone post an example?
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Paul.
>>> --
>>> Paul Hoffman <p...@flo.org>
>>> Systems Librarian
>>> Fenway Libraries Online
>>> c/o Wentworth Institute of Technology
>>> 550 Huntington Ave.
>>> Boston, MA 02115
>>> (617) 442-2384 (FLO main number)

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