
Nice start!

One comment....

In test.html:
new $sj.solrjs.Manager({solrUrl:"http://localhost:8983/solr/ select"});

It would be better to omit the "/select" from the base URL. Consider Solr rooted at a particular URL without the request handler mapping attached to it, and allow the "/select" or "qt=whatever" to be added at a different stage. This way SolrJS can attach to any number of request handlers depending on context.

Ryan commented on using something besides JavaScript to generate HTML pieces. One alternative that I propose is to use a VelocityResponseWriter (see SOLR-620 for a first draft) to generate the HTML framework which SolrJS can then deal with. I'm personally fonder of the bulk of HTML generated server-side, even snippets that are AJAXed in, leaving SolrJS to mainly deal with widgets and getting JSON data to them when HTML generation doesn't make sense. SOLR-620 is still raw, and needs some work to make it really easy to leverage, but I wanted to toss it out there for folks to improve upon as needed.

Also, consider wiring in a SIMILE Timeline (or perhaps even SIMILE Exhibit) widget - it'd make for a snazzy example :) Of course, Google Maps would make a great example as well.


On Jul 1, 2008, at 4:00 AM, Matthias Epheser wrote:

Hi community,

as described here I started to work on a javascript widget library for solr.

I've now finished the basic framework work:

- creating a jquery environment
- creating helpers for jquery inheritance
- testing the json communication between client and solr
- creating a base class "AbstractWidget"

After that, I implemented a SimpleFacet widget and 2 ResultViews to show how these things will work in the new jquery environment.

A new wiki page documents this progress:

Check out the trunk at:

Feedback about the implementation, the quality of code (documentation, integration into html, customizing the widgets) as well as ideas for future widgets etc. is very welcome.


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