Hi Salman,

The index lock error is generally reported when 2 cores are trying to share
an index directory between more than one core or Solr instance. Please
check if there are more than one of those cores pointing to same data
directory. You can see dir path on "overview" tab admin page.

On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 1:59 PM, Salman Ansari <salman.rah...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I am facing an issue which I believe has something to do with recent
> changes in Solr. I already have a collection spread on 2 shards (each with
> 2 replicas).  What happened is that my Solr and Zookeeper ensemble went
> down and I restarted the servers. I have performed the following steps
> 1) I restarted the machine and performed Windows update
> 2) I started Zookeeper ensemble
> 3) Then I started Solr instances
> My issues are (for collections which existed before starting Solr servers)
> 1) From time to time, I see some replicas are down on Solr dashboard
> 2) When I try to index some documents, I faced the following exception
> SolrNet.Exceptions.SolrConnectionException was unhandled by user code
>   HResult=-2146232832
>   Message=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <response>
> <lst name="responseHeader"><int name="status">500</int><int
> name="QTime">1021</int></lst><lst name="error"><str
> name="msg">{msg=SolrCore '[myCollection]_shard1_replica1' is not available
> due to init failure: Index locked for write for core
> '[myCollection]_shard1_replica1'. Solr now longer supports forceful
> unlocking via 'unlockOnStartup'. Please verify locks
> manually!,trace=org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: SolrCore
> '[myCollection]_shard1_replica1' is not available due to init failure:
> Index locked for write for core '[myCollection]_shard1_replica1'. Solr now
> longer supports forceful unlocking via 'unlockOnStartup'. Please verify
> locks manually!??
> I have tried several steps including
> 1) I have removed write.lock file manually from the folders while Solr is
> up and I have tried reloading the core while the Solr is up as well but
> nothing changed (still some replicas are down)
> 2) I have restarted Solr instances but now all replicas are down :)
> Any idea how to handle this issue?
> Appreciate your comments/feedback.
> Regards,
> Salman

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