Hi folks, It looks like the "-h" parameter isn't being processed correctly. I want Solr to listen on, but instead it binds to all interfaces. Am I doing something wrong? Or am I misinterpreting what the -h parameter is for?
Linux: # bin/solr start -h -p 8180 # netstat -tlnp | grep 8180 tcp6 0 0 :::8180 :::* LISTEN 14215/java Windows: > solr.cmd start -h -p 8180 > netstat -a TCP MyBox:0 LISTENING The Solr JVM args are likely the cause. From the Solr Admin GUI: -DSTOP.KEY=solrrocks -Dhost= -Djetty.port=8180 Presumably that ought to be -Djetty.host= instead of -Dhost? This has potential security implications for us :-( Thanks, - Bram