I am trying to setup on my dev workstation a small SolrCloud in order to assess 
the faceting capability in Solr 5.5 and I have several questions.

First some context:
I need to be able to add a field that uses a custom analyzer.

In a perfect world I would be able to just drop the 'customanalyzer.jar' 
somewhere in the solr folder and trigger zookeeper to propagate that to the 
various cores. As I have not seen any mention of how to do that in the ref 
guide or online I am assuming I really do need to use the blob store thingy 
which is unfortunate.

I have worked through the following steps,

                create my initial collection 'tdt2' based off of 'basic_configs'

                create .system collection to add jars
                                add 'customanalyzer.jar' to .system

                attempt (but get errors) to 'add-runtimelib' to tdt2 collection

                shutdown solr so I can restart with "-Denable.runtime.lib=true"

                start solr

                                run healthcheck on solr -c tdt2 and learn that 
tdt2 does not exist
                                run healthcheck on solr -c .system and learn 
that .system does not exist

So my initial questions are...

                how do I start solrcloud so that it 'loads' the collections 
that have been created?

                is there a more straightforward way to add a custom analyzer 
when using SolrCloud?

                what mechanism do people actually use to load plugins to solr 


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