On 4/7/2016 8:05 AM, Zaccheo Bagnati wrote:
> I'm trying to set the maxBooleanClauses parameter in solrconfig.xml to 1024
> but I still have "Too many boolean clauses" error even with 513 terms (with
> 512 terms it works).
> I've read in the documentation (
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Query+Settings+in+SolrConfig)
> the warning that it is a global setting but I have only 1 core so there are
> not conflicting definitions. I don't know how to deal with this
> I'm using SOLR 5.5.

The default value for maxBooleanClauses is 1024, so if you're getting an
error with 513 terms, then either your query is getting parsed so there
are more terms, or you have a config somewhere that is setting the value
to 512.

Can you add "debugQuery=true" to your query and see what you are getting
for the parsedquery?

Are you running SolrCloud?  If you are, then editing a config file is
not enough.  You also have to upload the changes to zookeeper.


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