On 4/17/2016 10:35 PM, John Bickerstaff wrote:
> My prior use of SOLR in production was pre SOLR cloud.  We put a
> round-robin  load balancer in front of replicas for searching.
> Do I understand correctly that a load balancer is unnecessary with SOLR
> Cloud?  I. E. -- SOLR and Zookeeper will balance the load, regardless of
> which replica's URL is getting hit?

Your understanding is correct -- queries sent to a single SolrCloud node
will be balanced across the cloud, although the node you are sending the
queries to might represent a single point of failure.

If your program is written in Java, you can use CloudSolrClient in SolrJ
-- this client talks to the zookeeper ensemble and dynamically adjusts
to the addition and removal of Solr nodes in the cloud.  All
notifications from the cloud to the client about servers going up or
down are nearly instantaneous -- the client does not need to poll for

For other programming languages, if your client code is not capable of
failing over to a second node when the primary goes down, then you would
still need a load balancer.


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