Thanks Ahmet! The second I read that part about the "albino elephant" query I 
remembered that I had read that before, but just forgotten about it. That 
explanation is really good, and really should be part of the regular 
documentation if you ask me. :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Ahmet Arslan [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 8:23 PM
Subject: Re: Questions about tie parameter for dismax/edismax

Hi Jimi,

Field based scoring, where you query multiple fields (title,body,keywords etc) 
with multiple query terms, is an unsolved problem. 

(E)dismax is a heuristic approach to attack the problem.

Please see the javadoc of DisjunctionMaxQuery :

some folks try to obtain optimum parameters of edismax from training data.
Others employ learning to rank techniques ...


On Wednesday, April 20, 2016 6:18 PM, "" 
<> wrote:

I have been looking a bit at the tie parameter, and I think I understand how it 
works, but I still have a few questions about it.

1. It is not documented anywhere (as far as I have seen) what the default value 
is. Some testing indicates that the default value is 0, and it makes perfect 
sense. But shouldn't that fact be documented?

2. There is very little information about how to think when choosing a tie 
value. Is there really no general recommendations based on some different use 
cases? Or is it simple a matter of "try different values and see what happens"?

3. Some recommendations I have seen mention a really low value is the best 
option. But can someone explain why? I understand that one moves further away 
from the dismax "philosophy" the higher the tie value one uses. But I care only 
about the quality of the score calculation. Can someone explain why the score 
has a higher quality with a lower tie?

4. Regarding the dismax "philosophy". On the dismax wiki page it says:

"Max means that if your word 'foo' matches both title and body, the max score 
of these two (probably title match) is added to the score, not the sum of the 
two as a simple OR query would do. This gives more control over your ranking."

But it doesn't explain *why* this gives "more control over your ranking". Can 
someone explain the logic behind that statement? I'm not claiming that it is 
incorrect, I just want to understand it. :)


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