Yes, these can be practice/interview questions. But, considering the
specific example above, it seems like question is pertaining to plot
syntactically error(?);  it is not expected that developer/solr-user know
right syntax or commands. What could be interesting is, questions related
to cloud concepts, ranking concepts (tf-idf, bm25) or simple problem
statements that may ask how can this be implemented using solr's ootb
features/apis, and so on. If such are the upcoming puzzles question, I'm
sure they will be useful.
I liked the idea.

On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 5:49 PM, Alexandre Rafalovitch <>

> I am doing an experiment in teaching about Solr. I've created a Solr
> puzzle and want to know whether people would find it useful to do more
> of these. My mailing list have seen this already, but I would love the
> feedback from a wider Solr audience as well. Privately or on the list.
> The - first - puzzle is deceptively simple:
> ----------
> Given the following sequence of commands (for Solr 5.5 or 6.0):
> 1. bin/solr create_core -c puzzle_date
> 2. bin/post -c puzzle_date -type text/csv -d $'today\n2016-04-08'
> 3. curl http://localhost:8983/solr/puzzle_date/select?q=Fri
> ----------
> Would the result be:
> 1.    Error in the command 1 for not providing a configuration directory
> 2.    Error in the command 2 for missing a uniqueKey field
> 3.    Error in the command 2 due to an incorrect date format
> 4.    No records in the command 3 output
> 5.    One record in the command 3 output
> ----------
> You can find the answer and full in-depth explanation at:
> Again, what I am trying to understand is whether that's somehow useful
> to people and worth making time to create and write-up.
> Any feedback would be appreciated.
> Regards,
>     Alex.
> ----
> Newsletter and resources for Solr beginners and intermediates:

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