On 5/3/2016 11:58 PM, Bastien Latard - MDPI AG wrote:
> Thank you for your email.
> You said "have big caches or request big pages (e.g. 100k docs)"...
> Does a fq cache all the potential results, or only the ones the query
> returns?
> e.g.: select?q=*:*&fq=bPublic:true&rows=10
> => with this query, if I have 60 millions of public documents, would
> it cache 10 or 60 millions of IDs?
> ...and does it cache it the filter cache (from fq) in the OS cache or
> in java heap? 

The result of a filter query is a bitset.  If the core contains 60
million documents, each bitset is 7.5 million bytes in length.  It is
not a list of IDs -- it's a large array of bits representing every
document in the Lucene index, including deleted documents (the Max Doc
value from the core overview).  There are two values for each bit - 0 or
1, depending on whether each document matches the filter or not.


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