I've just answered this on SO, but I think the reason is quite
confusing and hope others can comment here

Basically, the issue is that "string" field type has docValues enabled
and therefore with schema 1.6, any field inherited from it will be
effectively both searchable and returnable, even if stored/indexed are
explicitly set to false in the field definition.

I am not sure when the string field type was made into docValues, but
I suspect we may have a lot of confusion here as a result. Especially,
since the Admin UI does not show or allow to override values set on
the field type level.

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On 5 May 2016 at 04:35, Tech Id <tech.login....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are unable to resolve a problem with dynamic fields in Solr 6.
> The question and details can be found on stack-overflow at
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37014345/unable-to-add-new-dynamic-fields-in-solr-6-0/37018450#37018450
> If its a real bug, then we can file a JIRA for the same.
> Appreciate any help !
> Thanks
> TiD

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