Can somebody confirm whether the jira SOLR-8096 will affect json facet
also as I see sub faceting using term facet on string field is ruuning 5x
slower than on integer field for same number of hits and unique terms.
On 17-May-2016 3:33 pm, "Vijay Tiwary" <> wrote:

> Below is the request
>                q=*:*&rows=0&start=0&json.facet={
>                 "customer_id": {
>                                 type": "terms",
>                                 "limit": -1,
>                                 "field": "cid_ti",
>                                 "mincount": 1,
>                                 "facet": {
>                                                 "contact_s": {
>                                                                 "type":
> "terms",
>                                                                 "limit": 1,
>                                                                 "field":
> "contact_s",
> "mincount": 1
>                                                 }
>                                 }
>                 }
> }&fq=age_td:[25 TO 50]
> On 17-May-2016 2:20 pm, "chandan khatri" <> wrote:
>> Can you please share the query for sub faceting?
>> On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 2:13 PM, Vijay Tiwary <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I have an index of 8 shards having 1 replica each distubuted across 8
>>> node
>>> solr cloud . Size of index is 300 gb having 30 million documents. Solr
>>> json
>>> facet runs extremly slow if I am sub faceting on string field even if
>>> tnumfound is only around 20000 (also I am not returning any rows i.e
>>> rows=0).
>>> Is there any way to improve the performance?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Vijay

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