On 18/05/2016 17:55, thiaga rajan wrote:

Hi Team,
    We are exploring solr for one of our project as a search engine. It was a 
really a great tool around indexing and response time. While we are exploring 
we got the below questions and understandings. Kindly confirm the same.

We are actually trying to implement the search engine for a hierarchical 
search. (Tree structure). We have flatten our data structure and exported the 
data in to solr as solr is more meant for flat structure in terms of request 
and response
Example       1       -----11-------------------------------111,112,113       
------12--------------121       ------13-----------------------------131,132,133
Our data structure will resemble something like the below and exported the same 
in Solr. Now when the customer enters the key for search, we need to search in 
the below structure. Each of the row in the below table corresponds to the each 
of the document in Solr.
We were able to achieve this in the below structure but need to confirm on the 
below items.
1. Search the Level with the keyword and send only the parent and not the 
children of the node
Example - if the user enters 12, then we need only 1,12 and not the children(ie 
I assume we dont have a choice to achieve with Solr and we need to write a 
custom implementation for this. Correct me if i am wrong.
2. We need to do the distinct selection for each of the document. Example while 
if the search keyword is 11, then i should send 1,11(Kind of select distinct 
from sql Select distinct L1,L2)) I have read various forums on this and looks 
like we have options around facet, grouping.
But not exactly the same which we are asking for similar to the Sql distinct. 
If we are not able to get the distinct results, how we will apply the 
pagination. Example - if the page size is 1 to 10, if we have 5 duplicate 
documents, then if we take a distinct of those, it might fail as still we have 
space for another 5 records.  We understand faceting is arranging the results 
based on a faceted field rather than giving the results in the requested way.
Please confirm of our understanding on the above options. Thanks
Document structure below


This sounds a bit like the Siren implementation https://siren.solutions/siren/faqs/ where the heirarchical structure is encoded in a document. I'm pretty sure this is a commercial add-on though.

You might also take a look at the open source ontology indexer for Solr we developed as part of the BioSolr project:



| L1 | L2 | L3 |
| 1 | 11 | 111 |
| 1 | 11 | 112 |
| 1 | 11 | 113 |
| 1 | 12 | 121 |
| 1 | 13 | 131 |
| 1 | 13 | 132 |
| 1 | 13 | 133 |

Charlie Hull
Flax - Open Source Enterprise Search

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