
I've introduced a new boolean field "is_deleted_b_ns" on my objects which I 
index with Solr. I am using dynamic field definitions ("b" indicating Boolean, 
"ns" for "not stored").

Since the field did not exist while the index was built, none of my documents 
currently has that field indexed.

My queries from now on must always include this new boolean field: either they 
ask the index is_deleted_b_ns:false or is_deleted_b_ns:true. However since the 
field is not yet indexed both queries return 0 results.

I see two ways I could go from here:

1)      Either rebuild the whole index so that all documents index this newly 
added field as well (time consuming) and then above queries will return the 
expected results.

2)      I think I could ease my query in the way of OR combining: 
is_deleted_b_ns:false with -is_deleted_b_ns:[* TO *]

That would mean "give me the documents where the flag is false or where it does 
not exist at all"

Doing 1) is ok for now since this is a big change and we're not in production 
yet. Doing 2) feels kind of bad since I don't know if it's a big performance 
hit. Also I don't like it since it seems like I react to the current state of 
the index in my program code - someday the index will be up to date again and 
then I'd have this broader query logic in my program which is not needed 

However 1) will be a problem when we are in production someday. Sure, we won't 
have changes that big all time to the index schema but one never knows.

What's your opinion on this? May be there is another option as well?

Best regards,

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Sebastian Riemer, BSc

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