I've come across a weird problem which I'm trying to debug at the moment, and 
was just wondering if anyone has stumbled across it too:

I have an active-passive-passive configuration (1 Source cloud, 2 targets), and 
NOT all the documents are being replicated to the target clouds. Example: 3 
docs are being pushed/indexed on the Source cloud, S1, S2, S3, and only 2 docs 
can be found (almost immediately) on the Target clouds, say T1, T3. The 
behavior is NOT consistent.

I feel like it's a configuration issue, but it could also be a bug. How can I 
debug this issue?

What log files should I examine?

I couldn't find anything in the logs (of both the Source & Target clouds).

Source configuration:

<requestHandler name="/cdcr" class="solr.CdcrRequestHandler">
<lst name="replica">
<str name="zkHost">,</str>
<str name="source">demo</str>
<str name="target">demo</str>

<lst name="replicator">
<str name="threadPoolSize">2</str>
<str name="schedule">10</str>
<str name="batchSize">128</str>

<lst name="updateLogSynchronizer">
<str name="schedule">1000</str>

<updateHandler class="solr.DirectUpdateHandler2">
<updateLog class="solr.CdcrUpdateLog">
<str name="dir">${solr.ulog.dir:}</str>

Target(s) configuration:

<requestHandler name="/cdcr" class="solr.CdcrRequestHandler">
<lst name="buffer">
<str name="defaultState">disabled</str>

<updateRequestProcessorChain name="cdcr-proc-chain">
<processor class="solr.CdcrUpdateProcessorFactory"/>
<processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory"/>

<requestHandler name="/update" class="solr.UpdateRequestHandler">
<lst name="defaults">
<str name="update.chain">cdcr-proc-chain</str>

<updateHandler class="solr.DirectUpdateHandler2">
<updateLog class="solr.CdcrUpdateLog">
<str name="dir">${solr.ulog.dir:}</str>

Dmitry Medvedev
Tech search leader
Search Platform Engineering
Global Technology Infrastructure Services  (GTIS)
Barclays Capital, Atidim High-Tech Industrial Park, Tel Aviv 61580
* DDI : +972-3-5452462 * Mobile : +972-545874521

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